
My introduction to Canberra

  In my earliest memory of Canberra, I was probably less than five years old.  I was sitting in the back seat of the family car.  I think my younger sister was there too, but I really can’t be certain.  She certainly wasn’t saying anything. Neither was I. Because something was wrong. We weren’t lost, because that would imply that we didn’t know where we were.  We knew where we were.  We were on State Circle. The problem was that we had been there before on this drive.  Several times. I kept my mouth shut.  All I could have done was to point out that we’d been here before.  And then Dad would have shouted at me.  So I didn’t say it.   Between our trips around State Circle, we drove through the streets surrounding it.  These days, I know it as Embassy territory.  And the place where government departments live.  They are large, impersonal buildings that have (at best) small and discrete plaques identifying their fu...